Once upon a time…

If theres one thing every single client asks me at their first appointment it is “how long have you been doing lashes?” and “what made you get into lashes?” so I thought why not share my journey so far, hopefully it may inspire one person!

Let’s take it back to April 2018, a week before I was supposed to return to my job from maternity leave as an Executive Assistant (not as glamorous as it sounds!) I was called in a week before my return and told they were unable to offer me a part time role for this position and with being a single mum, there was no way at this time I could afford to put Cairo in full time nursery and work Mon-Friday, 8:00am - 6:00pm, it was impossible so I closed that chapter & decided to find something else!

At the end of 2018, with the new year creeping up I knew I wanted to do something different. After a convo with my cousin, she suggested I do a lash course and my first thought was '“no, everyone already has a lash tech, there’s no point.” After some consideration, I decided I would use my Christmas money and book a Classic lash course. The only 2 things that could happen was, I either don’t utilise the certificate and loose the money OR I can promote everywhere and make the money back. If I hated it, at least I tried.

The 1st step is always the hardest!

I found a trainer, via Facebook and booked the course. It was an accredited Classic eyelash extension course, from the comfort of your own home. It lasted about 2-3 hours max and I was handed a certificate and officially a qualified eyelash technician.

I started offering mobile appointments around the day’s I had childcare and soon enough was doing 3 clients a day!

Fast forward to March 2019, 3 months in the lash game I introdued new sets of lashes to my menu and the demand was higher! Torn between taking a risk and playing it safe, I handed my notice in at my part time job and decided to dedicate all my time to lashing and offering a full mobile service.

Whatever you want is on the other side of consistency

After 6 months offering mobile appointments, I decided I wanted to really up my lash game and get even better!

I booked a Russian volume course; I learnt a new skill and was creating more beautiful, fluffy lashes! I advertised I was now offering Russian lashes and I continued to perfect my craft by offering any appointments I could. As appointments filled up, I decided I would stay home based and end my mobile service.

Fast forward a year, lockdown strikes! We entered the first part of the pandemic but I decided to not give up just yet. I started to offer handmade Strip Lashes whilst in lockdown, this grew my online following and waiting list waiting for me to re-open.

& we’re just getting started!

Once re-opening in August 2020, I launched my 1:1 mentoring sessions. I was able to work with some amazing lash technicians who are just starting their journey and give them the push they needed.

April 2021, I completed another masterclass and added an additional lash treatment to my services, LVL!

May 2021, I got the keys to my first ever lash studio! Got my teaching qualification, became an accredited trainer and I am just getting started!